What are your goals for the coming year as related to Self-reliance, Personal Sovereignty and Security?

Striving for Self-Reliance

The process of becoming more self-reliant or sovereign is not a short one if you are of average or even slightly above average income and means.  This process can be as involved, costly and complicated as you make it or it can be relatively simple depending on your goals.  It starts with the right mindset and a commitment to making it a reality in your lifestyle.  Be assured this is a lifestyle, not something you do for recreation.

I believe the thought processes involved in leading a person down this path of greater self-reliance are complicated.  It also requires one to be a bit of a critical thinker and at least partially capable of seeing issues from an objective viewpoint rather than just subjective.  Far too many of us, myself included, find ourselves totally wrapped up in day to day living, taking care of business and we at least temporarily lose sight of the bigger picture.

I guess I feel the need to state that as it was said to me recently, this site is not meant for the wacko’s or (I love this!) “tin-foil hat” wearers. Most that share our goals and ideals see a growing storm cloud on the horizon of western culture…I know that’s broad and vague, but I have a hard time clearly articulating exactly what I see.  I think a good many of us and by us I mean Canadians, Americans and our European cousins feel a sense of foreboding that goes beyond detailed explanations.

Though I am not an alarmist or pessimistic by nature, I think I tend to be more of a realist with optimistic tendencies.  I am lightly skeptical of our collective future and that my friends scares me a bit.  However, this doesn’t in my opinion warrant any immediate radical action but rather a purposed path to not relying as heavily on the existing system as I do now.

I have been described as affable and easy going by most accounts.  That said, there is also an edge in me that leans heavily to the right and highly values freedom and true democracy…not sure what true democracy looks like but the theory is great!

So, with some of those thoughts in mind I thought it poignant to bring this forward for the start of a new year.

My own goals for this coming year are modest, but I believe nonetheless important.


My goals this year:

1)  Fight the urge to be lazy and satisfied with my existing preparations. Focus on the basics.

2)  Continue adding higher priority survival equipment. (ie: increased water storage, filtration/purification capabilities and food storage)

3)  Ensure all family members have access to and knowledge of where to find survival gear in the house, the vehicles, etc.

4)  Be informed and aware (read: eyes open) with regard to potential dangers or issues which may infringe the rights of Canadians by whatever shape or form that entity may present itself.

5)  Use my snowshoes this year and generally become more physically active, which leads to better overall health and well being.

6)  Continue building and refining what constitutes a realistic and viable security plan and the necessary tools to accomplish it.

7)  Participate in whatever amount of education or training is within my means and available with respect to self-reliance, personal sovereignty and security.


Quotes for thought

As few closing thoughts, these are several quotes I have seen in recent times and I do believe they are timely.  These come from south of the line and from Europe…our southern cousins are generally a freer thinking society with respect to gun ownership and have larger protections afforded them both for gun ownership and personal liberty through their constitution.

“So, when the government scares us into the disuse of freedom, we have only ourselves to blame when Big Brother comes calling. And when he does come, on his face there will be no smile.” – Judge Napolitano

That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants.”
Jeff Cooper’s Commentaries, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 1994

The following is an excerpt from a post on another site I belong to. This member is a retired police officer from the UK and is now living in Spain.  It’s a little long for a quote, but please read it through.

“I have heard a lot of Americans say “REGISTRATION LEADS TO CONFISCATION”.
Well believe me never a truer word was said.

All of our legally owned pistols in the U.K were registered in Police databases. They had the make, model, serial number action type and caliber all recorded.

We were contacted by Police firearms licensing departments and were given an appointment to surrender them to Police. Being a serving Police Officer did not exempt me, they were all handed in.
We HAD TO as we could not deny possession of them. Eventually we were all paid compensation at market value by Blair’s government. But I would much rather have kept my guns.

We were left with Shotguns 24” minimum barrel length, centre fire manual repetition (not pump action) rifles, rimfire rifles of any action type, muzzle loading handguns and oh yeah the “long barreled revolvers”

Five years ago I retired and moved to Spain. Here the firearms licensing is similar to what the U.K used to be. I have bought new handguns and short barreled shotguns, but recently pig ignorant do-gooders, people who are just gun haters in the European Parliament are publicly spouting about “banning things” like semi automatics all over Europe.

I really don’t need that for a second time in my life.

This actually happened in the U.K. Look at it and learn from it and DON’T let it happen to America”





One thought on “What are your goals for the coming year as related to Self-reliance, Personal Sovereignty and Security?

  1. Sovereign Canadian

    I have just finished off my own post about setting goals. Most people make drastic resolutions that are bound to fail. I prefer setting goals that you can build momentum on. This makes the setbacks easier to plough through.

    You’re goals are great. As you know, we are either moving ahead in life or with our preparations, or we are falling behind. Building up canned goods, water storage, water filtration, ammo, skills, etc. is likely never a bad choice.

    My own goals this year revolve around finding my own piece of land, working on my fitness and health, gaining skills in hunting, fishing, & home repair, and diversifying my income to the point that I’m not stuck in a job. I don’t have a problem with my job, but so not appreciate the feeling of being stuck.

    I appreciate the quotes you posted. I believe that we must exercise our firearms rights in order to keep them. The more people who own firearms and are trained in their proper use, the less likely we have to face overt confiscation. Unless you live in High Water or somewhere else they attempt dry runs.

    Yes there is trouble brewing on the horizon for much of western society. But I’m not an alarmist and hate being negative. Any changes will be just the pendulum swinging from the current non-sustainable culture of ours. Self-reliance is not something to do out of fear. It is something that will allow us to have a good life in the future if we approach it systematically.

    Happy New Year!

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