I bought an AR-15
Over the years of being a firearms enthusiast and activist, I’ve never actually purchased an AR platform rifle. That changed yesterday…
I think the main reason why I hadn’t was due to the obvious impracticality of owning an AR (and really any restricted firearm in Canada). You can’t take it anywhere except to your range, a gun smith, etc. Between moving multiple times, living in apartments, and being too busy with work to spend time at a range, I figured non-restricted firearms are the best use of my money. And I still do.
But really, with all the negative propaganda from the Libtards, now is the time to put my money where my mouth is.
The only cure for firearms ignorance is an increase in the number of law-abiding gun owners, and an increase in the number of theses ‘scary black rifles’ nationwide.
It seems that every time Turdeau, Tory-Dory, or another of the media-seeking attention-whores opens their mouth on gun bans, well the AR-15 supplies nation wide seem to dry up. It sure is sweet, sweet irony that Fidel Jr. has ended up being Canada’s best gun salesman ever. Now with the Covid-19 Corona Virus issue, and the again increased interest in firearms nationwide, I was very pleasantly surprised to see Bullseye had (when I looked) 20 of the Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport II units in stock:
Bullseye London Link S&W M&P15 Sport II Semi Auto Rifle
Yes there is a very legitimate future risk of bans. Whether that means confiscation, buybacks, grandfathering, or prohibition from using at all remains to be seen. But as an advocate I need to be a participant in the middle of this process.
I will write more on why I chose this as my entry level AR, my initial thoughts, and a review later. But perhaps my new purchase will help to convince me to get out the range more!
No Gun Ban Canada
The propaganda, leftist populism, and ignorant outrage surrounding the discussion on banning handguns in Canada is disappointing – at best.
In looking at my fantastic local gun store: Bulls Eye London (https://www.bullseyelondon.com), I came across the link to a website providing information on how to petition this move and how to make your voice heard.
Please visit: http://www.nogunbancanada.ca
This latest discussion is exactly the slight-of-hand stuff that the Liberals love. Costs us a lot of money, makes it look like they are solving a problem that was never there, ends up solving nothing, and it only harms us law-abiding Canadians. And then it costs us more money than they initial led us to believe.
Just say no to a Handgun Ban in Canada.
Economic Freedom of the World: 2015 Annual Report
14 Years after 9/11
First Time fishing in Ontario
Tomorrow I am heading up to Lake Simcoe with a couple of buddies to go fishing.
Other than my high-school, backwoods, carp fishing, catch nothing but a buzz days, this is my first time fishing in Ontario.
The plan is to rent a boat and go fishing for bass and pike out on Cook’s Bay. Not a bad way to spend a day eh.
So I thought I would do myself a favour and look up the regulations, etc.
Here are the good resources I found:
Fish ONline – Reference for fish and limits
Hunting and Fishing Licence Issuers
Bill C-42, the Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act
Now that I am finally in the market for a restricted firearm, I had to educate myself on the changes that have recently been introduced regarding the ownership and transportation of them.
There are other aspects of the Act, but of most interest to me is the change to the ATT Authorization To Transport restricted firearms (i.e. handguns, AR-15s, and other guns that are scary mostly cause they are painted black).
Here is the official news:
“Effective immediately, these changes to the Firearms Act and the Criminal Code do the following:
- Make classroom participation in firearms safety courses mandatory for first-time licence applicants;
- Provide for the discretionary authority of Chief Firearms Officers (CFOs) to be subject to the regulations;
- Strengthen the Criminal Code provisions relating to orders prohibiting the possession of firearms where a person is convicted of an offence involving domestic violence; and
- Provide the Governor in Council with the authority to prescribe firearms to be non-restricted or restricted (such prescribing would be informed by independent expert advice).
Within the next several months, upon a date fixed by an order in council, the following changes will come into effect:
- Creation of a six-month grace period at the end of the five-year licence period to stop people from immediately becoming criminalized for paperwork delays around license renewals;
- Elimination of the Possession Only Licence (POL) and conversion of all existing POLs to Possession and Acquisition Licences (PALs);
- Authorizations to Transport become a condition of a licence for certain routine and lawful activities such as target shooting; taking a firearm home after a transfer; going to a gunsmith, gun show, a Canadian port of exit; or a peace officer or a Chief Firearms Officer (CFO) for verification, registration or disposal; and
- Sharing of firearms import information when restricted and prohibited firearms are imported into Canada by businesses.”
I will update this post with what this actually means when I uncover it.
As I am in the market for a handgun, perhaps my new favourite gun store here in Ontario will fill me in.
Some reference sites:
CSAAA Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association
Do the Liberals and NDP want to Steal our Guns?
I am was actively trying to stay out of the federal election political shit storm.
But then I see the Facebook posts about what Mulcair and Trudeau have to say about firearms.
Some of it is true and some of it is shock-media fear mongering.
There is, however, some definite truth to the hype of them bringing back the gun registry.
Though it may be old, I was forwarded this article in the National Post about Mulcair’s plans: NDP government would create new and improved gun registry
Sure it’s an election cycle and all of these ineffective talking heads have to have talking points and promises to lie about.
But nothing scares me more than allowing any more room for commies, socialists, pinkos, regressive ‘progressives’, antis of any sort, and Turdeau’s Libertarded army.
Below is a great cartoon I found on Right Wing Nation, but I think it originated from the NFA (a cluster fpuck of an organization and has circle jerked itself into ineffectiveness right before one of the most important elections in Canada regarding firearms rights).
Enjoy. Be on the look out for the Beardo and the Kid.
Gun Stores & Ranges – Links in Ontario
Mostly for my own reference, but hopefully helpful to you.
Here are some notes I am making for ranges, clubs, stores, and associations here in SW Ontario. Most of my time is spent between London and Mississauga, with some time between Sarnia and up to Barrie.
East Elgin Sportsman’s Association – Been highly recommended to me by people in London. Great place for 3-gun shoots, and there is 24/7 indoor handgun shooting 🙂
Crumlin Sportsmen’s Association – Closer to London, apparently there are IDPA or IPSC shoots that happen here
Lambton Sportsmen’s Club – Close to friends and my old stompin grounds. Not sure if it makes sense to join, but would be a great way to go shooting restricted firearms with buddies.
Bullseye London – Great gun store in London. Good selection, knowledgeable people, fair prices. Just need to expand into used firearms….
Heafs – Emad Hazboun, Outdoorsman and where I am taking my Ontario Hunter Education Course
IPSC Ontario – International Practical Shooting Confederation
IDPA Canada – International Defensive Pistol Association
Ontario Defensive Pistol League – Looks like IDPA in Ontario
Home Security Tips – Videos
As I start my search for a home here in Ontario (not likely until spring, but we’re looking a bit now), I find myself pondering how to best secure it, whether home or not, as well as how to protect the family if someone does break in.
Obviously, here in Canada we are not allowed to protect ourselves. The government and police would prefer that we just exit our house if we suspect that there is an intruder. And if that fails, just give up and allow ourselves to the raped and murdered.
But for the non-sheeple out there, some of the following videos I found informative 😉
Home Defense Tips:
Shotgun for Home Defense:
I’m not sold on using a rifle in your house, but it’s always worth watching James Yeager’s videos:
Sootch00 always has helpful insights and gear. This is his “Intruder Bag”